FIC K8-800T: BIOS and Overclocking

FIC uses the familiar Phoenix-Award BIOS. A full range of overclocking options are available including adjustable CPU voltage, memory voltage, and AGP voltage. We were more than a bit concerned that there were no options in the pre-release BIOS for vCore, Memory Timings, or the very important AGP/PCI lock, even though these features are described in the manual. FIC assures us that these features will be available in the shipping version of the BIOS.

As with other tested Athlon64 boards, we did not find a provision for multiplier adjustments in the BIOS. This makes the AGP/PCI lock particularly important, since high settings of the FSB will be the only available means of overclocking — the same as what we currently see on the Pentium 4 chips.

FSB Overclocking Results

Without a PCI/AGP lock in the pre-release BIOS, we made no serious attempt to overclock the K8-800T. We will explore this important subject with a shipping FIC BIOS in our upcoming Athlon64 motherboard roundup.

FIC K8-800T: Basic Features FIC K8-800T: Memory Testing
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  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    Needs more MHz.... Needs more. Not ready yet to plunk the cash down. Possibly the 3.2 Intel then dump that for the new rev of the FX next year..... since I am never going to be happy with performance even if I just use it for email anyway. Gotta plow through all that spam just a little faster.
    Cheers and kudos to both Intel and AMD, love the war, love the technologies and even more... love the competition that will shortly lower prices.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

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