Content Creation and General Usage Performance

One of the advantages a good system builder has is the ability to tweak a full system for the best performance possible. It is impossible to look at the incredible scores posted by the Elite PC Titan FX without being impressed with this gaming system. While Dell just achieved the first Content Creation score to approach 60, the Titan FX scores almost 70 in the same test. The Titan FX score of 67.9 is almost 10 points higher than the best that we have ever seen in this benchmark. That is 10 points better than a 3.2GHz Pentium 4 running almost the same components in the Dell Dimension XPS.

We see the same strong performance in Business Winstone 2002, which has always been a strong area for AMD processors. Here, at a score of 51.6, the Titan FX is outperforming the best that we have seen by 8 points or almost 20%.

Undoubtedly, the 10,000 RPM Raptor SATA RAID array combined with the fast registered memory is pushing the Titan FX to new highs. Elite PC has done a great job balancing components and the performance is very impressive.

Elite PC Titan FX: The Test Gaming Performance
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  • sprockkets - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    Adding, but how much of the system actually follows industry standards. Like why would I want a D/Hell with a stupid bios that is worse than features included even on uATX boards?
  • sprockkets - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    The power supply is FSP, and unlike the stupid dell is not proprietary. FSP are known for making good PS. Like the ones with the 120mm fans inside them.

    Of course the p4 systems can be faster with the RAID setup but neverless impressive. You should compare not only the specs and scores.
  • Wesley Fink - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    Doop - While AMD has stated from the beginning that the FX would not be multi-processor capable, MANY reviews have speculated that the shipping FX chips did not, in fact, have the 2nd and 3rd HT links disabled. If links were not disabled, then the chips WOULD work in a dual-processor board. Manufacturers tell us many things, but we still prefer to find out for ourselves, because things often turn out not to be exactly what we have been told by manufacturers.

    Now that we have tested this for ourselves, the article has been corrected. We have also added the recommendations from Elite PC on multiple CPU selection to the review, and I have just received a written response from AMD. We have done our best to answer the question with hands-on testing in a timely manner, and post the information as soon as it is available.

    I also read many other sites, and I don't recall an actual attempt to run 2 FX51 chips being reported. The question has never been AMD's intention with FX, but there have been many questions as to whether the other two HT links were actually being disabled on FX chips. We can now say that on FX chips we have tested, Dual-Processor operation with FX chips did not work, and the Opteron 2 and higher series should be used for dual processors.
  • Doop - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    tfranzese, not many people think the Athlon FX is dual capable. AMD has clearly stated that they are not. This article was clearly not up Anandtech's usually extremely high level.

    Now this is purely wild speculation on may part but it could be possible that you get higher yeilds of opteron cores if you accept some with not all the functioning hypertransport links.

    Just like Radeons with 4 instead of 8 pipelines.

    You could enable the hypertransport links but there is possibility that you've got a chip where the links needed for dual operation will never work.
  • tfranzese - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    I don't think it's been clear, because I and others were under the assumption that they were not disabled in an effort to get them out asap. Might have just been engineering samples though, because these assumptions came from an article.
  • Shinei - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    Uh, tfraneze, I'm pretty sure it's been clear since the start that the FX-51 has had and always will have two disabled HT links... Turning them on MIGHT be possible, but that depends on how much time and money you're willing to waste (since a mistake can cost you $800).
  • Shinei - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    Uh, tfraneze, I'm pretty sure it's been clear since the start that the FX-51 has had and always will have two disabled HT links... Turning them on MIGHT be possible, but that depends on how much time and money you're willing to waste (since a mistake can cost you $800).
  • tfranzese - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    Locutus, the board is a design that uses only one memory controller to cut down on traces. There's a recent article, I think from GamePC that compares it with an Extended ATX dual board with use of both memory controllers.
  • Wesley Fink - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    #31 - The board is located on the MSI site under 'server workstation' at As stated in the review the board is the VIA K8T800 chipset.
  • Locutus4657 - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    I couldn't find this motherboard on the MSI web site. But to me it looks like this is a dual system using a via chipset? If so I didn't think this was possible... Or at the very least sane. Could some one confirm this?

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