AnandTech Storage Bench - Light

Our Light storage test has relatively more sequential accesses and lower queue depths than The Destroyer or the Heavy test, and it's by far the shortest test overall. It's based largely on applications that aren't highly dependent on storage performance, so this is a test more of application launch times and file load times. This test can be seen as the sum of all the little delays in daily usage, but with the idle times trimmed to 25ms it takes less than half an hour to run. Details of the Light test can be found here. As with the ATSB Heavy test, this test is run with the drive both freshly erased and empty, and after filling the drive with sequential writes.

ATSB - Light (Data Rate)

The WD Black SN750 is a few percent faster overall than last year's model, allowing it to tie with the Phison E12-based Corsair MP510 on the Light test. But the Samsung 970 EVO and Silicon Motion SM2262EN-based drives are still substantially faster, at least when the test is run on an empty drive.

ATSB - Light (Average Latency)ATSB - Light (99th Percentile Latency)

The average and 99th percentile latency scores for the SN750 are a few microseconds faster than its predecessor, which doesn't change the drive's rankings. The average latency scores are pretty close to the fastest drives, but the 99th percentile latency scores are merely average for this product segment.

ATSB - Light (Average Read Latency)ATSB - Light (Average Write Latency)

The average write latency scores from the SN750 are virtually tied with the fastest drives, and the average read latency scores are imperceptibly slower than the Samsung 970 EVO.

ATSB - Light (99th Percentile Read Latency)ATSB - Light (99th Percentile Write Latency)

As with average write latency, 99th percentile write latency for the SN750 is basically tied with the fastest drives—every write lands in the SLC cache with minimal delay, even when the test is run on a full drive. The 99th percentile read latencies do not rank as highly, but are still comfortably below 1ms even for the full-drive test run.

ATSB - Light (Power)

As with the Heavy test, the new WD Black leapfrogs the Toshiba XG6 to retake our record for most energy efficient NVMe SSD on the Light test. There's still a bit of catching up to be done before it matches the WD Blue SATA SSD, but it's still quite an accomplishment for the SN750 to use half the energy required by the Samsung 970 EVO.

AnandTech Storage Bench - Heavy Random Performance
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  • namechamps - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    Strangely enough I don't think anandtech has ever reviewed the 970 Pro which is likely why it isn't in the comparison. They have done the 960 pro and the 970 evo but not the 970 pro.
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    "Whatever happend to the Samsung PRO in those comparisons?"

    Unfortunately Samsung never sampled the 970 PRO, so we don't have it on hand. And all indications are that they're just about done with it, having never released a 2TB version (like they did the 960 PRO).

    I'm really not sure if we're going to see any new consumer MLC drives in 2019. The market has bifurcated into TLC and then more boutique solutions like Z-NAND and 3D XPoint.
  • althaz - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    The 512Gb drive is a ~$150 part, just buy it and test it? To many this remains the most prestigious tech site around for at least some things. SSDs have been one of those things. Not having the latest of Samsung's pro drive in your results kinda makes this whole thing not worth it, IMO.

    If you need an excuse do a "MLC Redux" review where you look at what was probably the faster ever MLC drive and talk about how SSD tech has changed.
  • eldakka - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    " just buy it and test it?"

    I'm sure anandtech would be delighted to test it if you sample one to them, or donate $150 to them to purchase one with.
  • GreenReaper - Saturday, January 19, 2019 - link

    This is the level of a business expense though. Even if you did one a day for every day of the year it would be $53,400. OK, you could get a full-time journalist for that in some places, but that assumes they are kept and not sold on or used for anything else.
  • Solandri - Monday, January 21, 2019 - link

    More troubling is that unwillingness to buy a product for review smacks of demanding bribes. "Give us a free sample or we won't review your product." Which implies that companies which shower the reviewer with gifts will get more favorable reviews.

    Ideally, a review site should *never* accept free samples, and do all their product reviews with samples bought from the store. That's the only way to completely eliminate any undue influence the product manufacturer may have on the product review.
  • Dark_wizzie - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    I don't think they actually reviewed the 970 Pro?
  • StevoLincolnite - Saturday, January 19, 2019 - link

    Yeah. Comparisons have been a bit crap on Anandtech lately.

    The RTX 2080 review is lacking a good lineup of GPU's to compare with... Despite promises of "Adding more later". (Never happened sadly.)
  • joesiv - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    I would love to see at least some endurance testing in anandtechs reviews. I think it's something that's missing pretty much all SSD testing I see. Yes, speed is great, but endurance is something perspective owners will care more about in the long term.

    NAND technology is changing over time, is it changing for the better? More layers, but often at the expense of P/E Cycles.

    SSD Firmwares as well have gotten both a lot more reliable, but also a lot more complicated, with different companies doing different things to maximize performance and also endurance.

    Without testing these things, we don't know if there are duds in terms of firmwares/drives that don't strike a good balance between performance/reliability.

    Bare minimimum I would love to see ananadtech do the following:
    - Talk to manufacturers about the actual specifications of the NAND, what is the P/E Cycle rating for the NAND. Then list it in the specs for the drives so we can do our own research/homework if we want to. This spec is very often missed in the most marketing material.
    - Do a quick capture of the SMART data at the very start of the testing
    - Do a capture of the SMART data at the very end of your testing.
    - Check out the Block Erase Count specifically. The Average Block Erase count would give a good approximation of how much life you've used just within your benchmark suite. It's much more grainular than Percent Life Used. This SMART attribute can vary between different manufacturer/firmware/controllers, so you might need to contact the manufacturer for this info.

    In the end, you'll have something like: Rated P/E count / Average Block Erase, and since your test suite is likely pretty similar between SSD's, it would be a useful metric.

    Bonus points, you could also look at NAND writes (not to be confused with Host Writes), during your testing, as it's related to life expectancy and can be corrolated with Total Byte Written.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see that some drives write a lot more to NAND than you are expecting, and thus have higher Average Block Erases during your testing.

    At my company when I did this test, while we were evaluating a drive for our products, Tier 1 memory manufacturers and their drives, failed bitterly at this endurance test where most did fine. I attribute this to the firmware. Working with the firmware developement team, we determined that the fix would not be feasible in that generation of product, so we had to skip that product.

    Specs aren't everything, we need to test it, endurance is an important aspect, and I'd love to see it represented in your reviews.
  • romrunning - Friday, January 18, 2019 - link

    Whom do you consider to be "Tier 1 memory manufacturers" - Samsung or Intel? I can't imagine their products failing endurance tests. Or are you talking about those you would consider to be lower than Samsung - like AData, Team Group, etc. - as a Tier 2 or Tier 3?

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