Performance Tests

DirectX 8 & OpenGL Gaming

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The same pattern continues in DX8 and Open GL games. The Asus is the winner among Intel boards most of the time, though the difference between the Abit and Asus is normally small. In the older games, AMD Athlon 64 continues to dominate the benchmarks.

General Performance

General Performance

Intel generally performs better in FutureMark benchmarks than Athlon 64, and that continues with PCMark 2004. The coming E die Athlon 64's will likely close this gap somewhat, since they will support many SSE3 instructions.

Performance Tests Our Take
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  • bob661 - Monday, November 29, 2004 - link

  • carl0ski - Monday, November 29, 2004 - link

    who knows why anyone will buy a state of the art product for $1000
    but people do.

    at this stage though i would rather spend $300 on a comparable AMD. then the Intel product benched.

    or my pet project
    intel pentium 75 MHZ on a Asus Super socket 7 board overclock setting of upto 133mhz
    and a stick of pc133 ram
    i wonder what would happen
  • MAME - Monday, November 29, 2004 - link

    #1: Although you're obviously biased, AMD does hold a certain advantage over Intel in the gaming field.
  • Beenthere - Monday, November 29, 2004 - link

    Someone would HAVE to be a damn fool to buy Intel products at this point in the game... especially a $1000 piece of crap that gets blown away by a $140 A64 3000+ CPU. If someone is that dumb, send me all of you're money and I'll send you an A64 system with a ignorant "Intel Inside" sticker on the case and you'll think you have the faster Pig 4 on the face of the Earth!

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