DirectX 8 & OpenGL Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The same pattern of better game performance at higher memory speeds continues across the DX8 and OpenGL benchmarks. Return to Castle Wolfenstein-Enemy Territory is a good example here with the higher memory speeds on 955X/nF4 Intel providing a 6% to 7% boost in frames per second. We see a similar increase in other DX8/Open GL benchmarks.

DirectX 9 Gaming Performance 3D Workstation Performance
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  • overclockingoodness - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - link

    Can someone tell me why they decided to bench both at DDR-667 and DDR-800?

    Wesley: are you planning on testing all Intel mobos like that with two different memory speeds?
  • Capt Caveman - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - link

    I actually plan on returning the P5WD2 Premium that I purchased. I bought this board for going to dual core but was really sold on the Wifi-TV card that was supposed to come with it. It's the first board in Asus's Ai Life Series and the major component of this series is the Wifi-TV Card.

    Well, surprise my Asus Premium doesn't come with one. It's optional. I spoke to people at Asus US in Technical Support, Customer Service, Pre-sales and RMA groups and they all confirmed to me that there was only one model and it's optional. Every retailer that carries the P5WD2 Premium has it without the Wifi-TV Card. Yet, the reviewers have them, making you think that the card comes with the board.

    Also, things have been down-graded on this board from previous premium boards. The mosfet heatsink is aluminum compared to the copper heatsinks used in my P5AD2-e Premium. Contrary to what some have said, the P5WD2 Premium does not have IDE Raid when the P5AD2-e Premium did. The P5AD2-e Premium also has 1394b where the P5WD2 Premium does not. And obviously no built on Wifi.

    Why did they call this board a Premium when it's missing all of the premium items that we're used to getting? Why didn't they just call it the Deluxe since this board does not have the premium features as it's other premium boards?

    I believe Asus is misleading folks. I have yet to receive a reply back to several emails that I have sent also.

    Sad thing is that I was a huge fan of Asus til getting this board which I must pay a 15% restocking fee to return.
  • elecrzy - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - link

    on page 2, you might want to add that NF4 supports SATAII, not just SATAI.
  • RadeonGuy - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - link

    it would have been better to include a fx-55 as competition

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