Reliability, Warranty and Support

We have added a section to our system reviews where we attempt to take a look at the support offered, and we will also discuss the reliability and warranty options available. Unfortunately, Dell support requires a service tag number in order to provide support, which can make it difficult to draw any conclusions about the overall quality of support. We managed to work around this by using a service tag from a different XPS computer. This allows us to evaluate the average time it takes to reach a support representative via telephone, and we can also discuss some of the specific details of Dell's XPS support.

Throughout our testing, we only encountered one issue with the XPS 410. Our Quake 4 benchmark would periodically crash with a memory error. (Note that this was a game crash and not a system crash -- windows XP remained completely stable.) Dell shipped the system with the ForceWare 84.40 drivers, which are quite old compared to what NVIDIA currently has on their web site. Upgrading to the latest NVIDIA drivers got rid of our crashing issue, and since we recommend that most people with new hardware install the latest drivers anyway, this isn't a major problem. Before the update, Quake 4 would consistently crash about five minutes into the first level almost every time we ran it.

While we solved this particular problem on our own, we decided to try re-creating the issue with Dell's technical support team. Checking out the support web site, there was a suggestion that some users might get better performance using the latest NVIDIA reference drivers, and a link was provided to NVIDIA's driver section. Dell also provides a "performance driver" which is an updated driver that has undergone limited compatibility testing by Dell. Either driver was able to correct the problem we experienced; however, not everyone wants to browse around a web site, especially when you're paying extra for higher quality technical support.

We mentioned earlier that Dell XPS systems come with a premium level of support. With the system, you get a service tag as well as an express code that you use when calling Dell's support line. You also get a separate telephone number that is to be used for XPS support. When you call, you are prompted for your express code. With an XPS code, your support calls get bumped ahead in the priority queue, and Dell states that average wait times are about five minutes. We were able to verify their claims, and it took just under five minutes for us to reach a support technician on a couple different phone calls. In comparison, wait times for standard Dell support ranged from 10 minutes to nearly 20 minutes depending on call volume.

It did take about 20 minutes of conversing with the support representative before our problem was "solved" (he finally got around to suggesting the use of updated drivers). The troubleshooting process was not unreasonable, however, and he did walk us through various possible solutions. Sometimes, talking on the phone isn't the most effective way of troubleshooting a computer problem, and Dell offers several other types of support. You can chat online with a Dell representative, and if you have a broadband connection the service representatives can even take control of your computer to help fix problems. We asked to have a demonstration of DellConnect so that we could experience it for ourselves.

If you have ever seen Windows Remote Assistance in action, DellConnect is similar. The difference is that you begin either via a phone call to Dell support or through Dell's online chat support. From there, the support representative can offer to help you via DellConnect. Using Internet Explorer (ActiveX is required, so it does have to be Internet Explorer), you visit the main DellConnect web page, and the support representative gives you a ticket number. By entering that number into your browser, a remote connection is established. Initially, you are greeted with a prompt telling you whom you're connected to and you are shown a request to allow them to view your desktop.

In view mode, the support representative cannot control your computer, but they can send you basic graphics to show you where to click. They can draw arrows, circles, boxes, etc. which makes it much easier to explain to computer neophytes what they mean when they say "click on the start button." In some cases, that level of support may still be insufficient, and with your permission the Dell support representative can take full control of your computer. This allows them to easily pull up the event viewer, check your startup items, use the Registry editor, or just about anything else that might be necessary during troubleshooting. There's no need to be nervous either: if you ever see the support representative doing something you don't like for whatever reason, all you have to do is hit the escape key to regain control of the computer.

So what are the most common uses for DellConnect? Lost files and/or file management are a big one, and basic software configuration (for any software that Dell included on your system) and troubleshooting will be provided. Spyware/virus troubleshooting can also be provided, although there are limitations to what can be done with some of the nastier infections. In some cases, it's simply a matter of the user getting frustrated of dealing with phone support, so DellConnect can be used to allow the representative to fix the problem directly. Another big advantage is that communication barriers often arise, so if you can't understand the support representative or they can't understand you, services like DellConnect can often get around the barriers. Basically, most actions that you could do if you were sitting in front of the computer can be done via remote assistance.

For XPS customers, most of the support representatives will put forth a "best effort" to help you with whatever problem you have, although some things are obviously beyond the scope of their support. For example, if you call asking for help in creating a spreadsheet formula in Excel or a macro in Word, that's more of a software training question as opposed to technical support. For issues that are not covered by the standard support service, Dell offers a fee-based On Call service with charges per incident.

As we have said previously, giving a final evaluation on customer support is something of a nebulous process. In the case of Dell, their service representatives were able to properly "solve" the issues that we encountered in a reasonably timely fashion. They'll also provides 24/7 support, so if you're the type of person that's going to want to call technical support over the weekend or late at night, they have you covered. As we discussed, DellConnect gives them the option to take control of your PC remotely, which can certainly be useful for diagnosing and troubleshooting some problems -- especially when the person on the other end of the line doesn't really know what they're doing with the computer. If you've ever tried to talk your computer illiterate relative through even typical maintenance processes over the phone, you know how frustrating that can get. Fixing the problem for someone isn't as good as actually teaching the person how to avoid/fix the problem on their own, but many people forget anyway.

In the end, our experience with Dell's XPS support was very good. There is definitely a premium price associated with XPS computers, but the shorter wait times and higher level of training that is required for XPS technicians certainly showed. Dell offers all of the tools that most people would want for troubleshooting and support questions: telephone, email, forums, online chat, and remote control of your PC. Even that doesn't guarantee that they will always be able to solve your problems, but our subjective analysis is that the XPS support at least seems to be more than capable of handling technical issues.

The standard warranty on all XPS systems is one year, though you can purchase up to a four-year premium warranty for an extra $300. It almost seems like you're already paying $300 extra for the XPS service and support, and it would be nice to see a longer than one year standard warranty given the price. For users interested in XPS due to the improved support, they'll probably also want more than a one year warranty. If you feel like you need a high level of handholding with your next computer purchase, Dell's XPS line certainly appears to offer that and more.

Multimedia Capabilities Benchmark Setup
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  • JarredWalton - Monday, September 18, 2006 - link

    The real problem is that most of the time the speech recognition is so accurate that I don't properly read the words and make sure DNS put what I intended. For example, in that above post, "for a look" should have been "where I look".

    Part of the solution is to learn to dictate very clearly and make sure you enunciate all of the words properly. Even with precise dictation, however, speech recognition is still going to make some mistakes. 95% accuracy is actually quite good, and I have learned to live within the limitations of the software.
  • yyrkoon - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - link

    sounds like you ned to incorporate a spell checker into your list of editing utilities :P
  • yyrkoon - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - link

    actually, I meant grammar utility, dahmed fingers . . .
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - link

    Grammar checking utilities are notoriously bad. Half of the "errors" that they highlight are correct, but then they still miss a bunch of things that are incorrect. The best solution is just to proofread really thoroughly, but stuff still slips through at times.
  • mino - Monday, September 18, 2006 - link

    I am sure amy would reallly appreciate to make bigger tests such as printed magizines do.
    The most writing should be on the ergonomics, case design, cooling, support, warranty and so on.
    While providing only some reference numbers of the performance of the systems averyone to each other with 2 your systems(benchmarked more thoroughly) as a reference for comparison (i.e. Intel,AMD one).

    Also some DIY system comparison won't hurt, It was a long time real system-to-system tests were done.
    This way IMHO even some synergies would show up which remain normally undetectable if only-component specific tests are done.

    Such test should also hugely go for real-life situations with tons of active background stuff like Google Desktop Search, radio, SETi.. running
  • mino - Monday, September 18, 2006 - link

    amy == many ;)
  • mino - Monday, September 18, 2006 - link

    And one special thing:

    PLEASE do som HDD tests with HUGELY fragmented - this is the real situation, yet pretty much not tested at all...

    i.e.: 500k scattered files on an 250G drive, half ogf it fragmented, then try moving copying some big file within such a drive.

    That's the real wold stress test many drive have to endure daily... 1MBps is no exception then!
  • JarredWalton - Monday, September 18, 2006 - link

    Windows Media Center by default is set to the fragment your hard drive during the night in order to keep performance optimized. If we were trying to do stress testing of hard drives to make them fail, I suppose such tests might be useful, but ideally we don't want to test performance in artificially handicapped situations.

    As far as printed magazines, this review was over a thousand words in length. I can pretty much guarantee that no print magazine is going to publish a review that long about any computer system... at least not unless they get some massive advertising money from the manufacturer first.
  • mino - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - link

    I reffered to print guys just because the TYPE of the review I mentioned reminded me their ways.
    Not trying to compare.. they would get trashed most likely:)
    That MCE thingie sounds nice. However most PC are OFF at night and it is not particularly welcome to have a system run defragment during my work on it.

    Even so, I have observed that even with a huge amount of no-fragmented files scattered around the drive behaves the way as the fragmented one.

    The reason I requested such tests was not to make the drives fail(hell they shouldn't) but to a hve a comparison how different ones compare in such a situation.

    This is a common situation an an heavily run WS or light file-server after a year or so of running.
  • mino - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - link

    Almost forget. I am sure many guys appreciate you comming here to reply to our comments.
    Thanks for that.

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