Sigma SD14 at ISO 800

This all began with suggestions on how high noise seen in Sigma SD14 ISO 800 images could be tamed and controlled. Our first look at the impact of Noiseware is Sigma SD14 ISO images first published in Sigma SD14 on Vacation. As stated, all images were processed with just the free Community Edition of Noiseware using just auto processing. You can do an even more effective job in some cases by tweaking the noise reduction parameters manually in the Community Edition. The real power of Noiseware comes in the AI-enabled Standard and Pro versions, which get more effective the more they are used. These are baseline conversions just to show you that the impact of Noiseware on the SD14 is truly significant.

In each pair of images, the top images are JPEGs that were processed from RAW in Sigma Photo Pro 2.5 and saved as highest quality JPEG images. The matching image just below is the same image that has been auto processed in Noiseware Community Edition.

Noiseware Software Noise Reduction Sigma SD14 at lower ISO
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  • Degloriath - Monday, July 28, 2008 - link

    Thanks for the article, noise is certainly always a problem in digital photography. I've messed around with different noise-reduction methods via Photoshop itself, as well as a plugin called Noise Ninja which usually worked pretty well for myself. All in all it takes some patience and tinkering to ever get it perfect. :) Perhaps I shall look into the mentioned program as well.

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