Performance Test Configuration

 Performance Test Configuration
Processor(s): Intel Pentium 4 3.0C (800MHz FSB)
RAM: 2 X 256MB Corsair PC3200 TwinX LL v1.2 Modules (SPD rated)
Hard Drive(s): Western Digital 120GB 7200 RPM Special Edition (8MB Buffer)
Bus Master Drivers: Intel INF Update v5.00.1012
Intel IAA for 875P RAID not installed for consistency of Test Results)
SiS AGP v. 1.16a
Video Card(s): ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 128MB (AGP 8X)
Video Drivers: ATI Catalyst 3.6
Operating System(s): Windows XP Professional SP1
Motherboards: ABIT IC7-G (875P) @ 200.56MHz FSB
ABIT IS7-G (865PE) @ 200.78MHz FSB
ASUS P4C800-E (875P) @ 200.50MHz FSB
ASUS P4P800S-E (848P) @ 200.65MHz FSB
Gigabyte 8KNXP (875P) @ 200.66MHz FSB
Gigabyte 8S655FX (SiS 655FX) @ 200.87MHz FSB

All performance tests that were run used two 256MB Corsair LL TwinX PC3200 Version 1.2 modules set to SPD timings of 2-3-2-6. All tests were with PAT automatically enabled (except the SiS 655FX). This was verified using CPUZ 1.18C to make certain all performance modes were enabled before every benchmark run. All other settings were left at default or “auto”.
Gigabyte 8S655FX Ultra: Tech Support and RMA Content Creation & General Usage Performance
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  • aditm - Thursday, December 18, 2003 - link

  • PrinceGaz - Monday, September 22, 2003 - link

    Error on page 7 (too high FSB speeds):

    In addition, we ran several other tasks: data compression, various DX8 and DX9 games, and apps, like Word and Excel. Moreover, Prime95 was running in the background. Finally, we ran our benchmark suite, which includes ZD Winstone suite, Unreal Tournament 2003, SPECViewperf 7.0, and Gun Metal Benchmark 2. While we were able to boot and run some tests at speeds as high as 287MHz FSB and at default voltage on the Gigabyte 8S655FX Ultra, 262MHz was the highest achievable overclock attainable without encountering any reliability issues.

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