The Test

Performance Test Configuration

Intel Pentium 4 2.26B
256MB Samsung DDR333 CAS2.5 module (M368L3223CTL-C (L) B3)
256MB Twinmos DDR400 CAS2.5 module
Hard Drive(s):
Western Digital 120GB 7200 RPM Special Edition (8MB Buffer)
Bus Master Drivers:
Latest SiS Drivers, VIA 4-in-1 v4.42, IAA v2.2 (845G, 845E, 850E)
Video Card(s):
NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
Video Drivers:
NVIDIA Detonator 30.82
Operation System(s):
Windows XP Professional

The AnandTech Motherboard Testbed was Sponsored by Newegg. You can buy the components we used to test at

Stress Testing the MSI 648 Max Content Creation & General Usage Performance
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