The Windows 10 Creators Update Arrives
by Brett Howse on April 25, 2017 8:00 AM EST- Posted in
- Software
- Operating Systems
- Windows
- Microsoft
- Windows 10
Edge Improvements
When Edge launched, Microsoft seemed to have a couple of goals. First, they would dramatically improve security over Internet Explorer, and second, they would drastically improve performance, and keep up the performance improvements over time.
Edge adoption has been very low though. When it first launched, it was lacking a lot of basic features, with important additions like extension support only coming with the Anniversary Update. Extensions was a arguably the biggest single feature missing, and it has been very nice to have a much more capable browser because of this addition, but with low usage share of Edge, coupled with extensions having to be added to the Windows store by the developer, has resulted in there still only being a handful of extensions in the store. At my count, there are 27 extensions, but that might vary based on region. It’s a step in the right direction, and this one change has made Edge much more useful than before.
Edge excels in some areas. Its support for high resolution displays, and its text rendering, continues to be one of its biggest strengths. Performance on scripting is generally quite solid, although it still struggles with pages like Twitter if they are left open for a long time. Microsoft has posted quite a few blog posts about how they have optimized things like scrolling performance with touch, mouse, or keyboards, as well as battery life improvements. Edge has come a long way, and they continue to improve it with every release.
Edge didn’t get anything as big as extensions with this update, but it still got quite a few improvements. The most noticeable is the ability to expand tabs to show the entire page in a mini-window at the top of the screen. This is very similar to how Internet Explorer worked in its touch mode in Windows 8, and can be a useful feature if you are one of those people who keep losing tabs. Also, you can “set tabs aside” which lets you collapse open tabs to the left, where there’s a box to let you open them again. It’s an interesting idea, but in practice it seems to need quite a bit of work. You can’t put individual tabs aside – it’s all or nothing – instantly making it less useful. Also, if you restore a tab from one you’ve put away, and then you close that tab, it’s gone. There’s no way to keep a set of tabs set aside permanently which would be a nice take on favorites. Once tabs are put aside, you can add them to favorites, or share them. The share idea is quite nice, and makes it very simple to share multiple sites with someone in one email. Still, it would be nice to see this fleshed out a bit more.
Microsoft has been touting Edge’s battery life performance for some time now, and they continue to improve Edge to make it more efficient. Their testing methodology is all open-source, which certainly helps with its credibility. According to Microsoft’s measurements, during their tests on identical Surface Book laptops, and averaged over sixteen iterations per browser, Edge used 31% less power than Chrome 57, and 44% less power than Firefox 52. These are significant amounts, and in a power basis, Edge is using under 2 Watts for the same activity that Chrome is using over 2.5 Watts, and Firefox is using around 3.25 Watts. Battery capacity is always going to a be a limit on notebooks, so any efficiency gains are important.
Edge has also gained support for ePub digital books, and WebRTC 1.0 is now on out of the box. There are other small changes like being able to run an .exe file directly rather than having to save it first, and there are some small improvements to PDFs in Edge, and Web Notes.
Also, in the never-ending struggle to remove Flash from the web, Microsoft has made the decision to make Flash click to run in Edge. That means that any page that wants to run Flash won’t be able to, but you can click an icon to enable it. It’s not very obvious, with the icon resembling a puzzle piece, but there is a graphic which shows you what to do the first time it pops up. The results of this change have been mixed, but with browsers moving to disable Flash by default, hopefully that will pressure sites away from using it.
This puzzle icon means Flash can be enabled for the page
Overall, Edge has made some improvements, but nothing huge like in the last update. It needs some more basic functionality added though, such as the ability to view a page source (the debugger tools are overly complex for simple tasks) and it is still far easier to do a lot of tasks in Chrome, which shouldn’t be the case this far into Edge’s existence.
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MattMe - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
Are you by any chance running an install of 10 that was upgraded from an earlier version? Several test machines at work, and alll my home machines struggled after an upgrade, I hated it the first few weeks. The I did a fresh install on them and it fixed 99% of all issues I had on every device. Just a thought :)fm13 - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
I tried upgrading from 8.1 Pro but gave up and just installed Win 10 on a formatted drive. So this is a "clean" install I'm talking about.Instyle - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - link
An issue I've ran into is that the update files that got downloaded were in some corrupted state. So instead of checking for updates, Windows Update would try to use them and fail. The solution I've found is to delete C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution. This is where update files get downloaded to (including new updates like the Creators Update, culmulative updates and security updates) before being applied. Normally you can't just rename/delete it as there is typically some update process running in it. You have to kill any process running in it by opening Task Manager > Performance > Open Resource Monitor > CPU > Associated Handles and enter the folder path into the Search box. It'll pull up a list of processes open in that folder, end each of them. Next go to the folder and either rename (if you're wary) or delete it. Then check for updates. Hope this helps!lord_anselhelm - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
Don't know if this will help, but you might want to try the Windows Update Troubleshooter. I had a problem on my laptop where a couple of files had been corrupted and I was unable to update Windows. The troubleshooter fixed it. Also, consider using Windows Update MiniTool: it's so much nicer than the default updater.faizoff - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
This update was surprisingly the smoothest update process for me. Too much stuff configured currently for me to do a clean install, the update itself went about without any consequence. No programs have been affected that I could see. The upgrade process has been getting better and better. Though there is still some issue with my wifi adapter when using the latest drivers provided by the mfg. wifi only works well with a particular version of the driver.I like the Edge enhancements, don't use game mode so don't care about it. paint 3D is fun and I'd never thought I'd actually prefer the previous iteration of the start menu with all apps tagged along with the pinned tiles. Really warming up to it now.
One issue still prevails that's been there from the start, explorer.exe crashes randomly and restarts, still cannot for the life of me figure that one out.
blahsaysblah - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
The security center needs an update. I guess maybe in minority but my PC is on a UPS and i have its status connected via USB port. So i have two yellow warnings about LCD being set to max brightness and sleep being turned off, both impacting battery life.The problem is there is no way to turn off/confirm those alerts, so i always see a yellow triangle. So i just ignore it now as i have no way to know if there is a new and valid issue.
DanNeely - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
The workaround for the LCD brightness notice is apparently to set the screen at 99%. (Seen elsewhere, not tested.)benedict - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
The Creators Update broke the DateTime Picker on all legacy applications. Microsoft are aware of this problem since early March and still haven't done anything to fix this. I've told all my customers who were unfortunate enough to update to revert back to the old version and wait for Microsoft to fix their bugs.JimmiG - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
Is game mode really activated by default? I've always had to open the game bar and check the "User game mode with this game" checkbox.mr_tawan - Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - link
I think it's enabled by default only in select title and UWP games.