F1 2019

F1 2019 - 2560x1440 - Ultra High Quality

F1 2019 - 1920x1080 - Ultra High Quality

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Assassin's Creed Odyssey
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  • eastcoast_pete - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    Thanks Ryan, and sorry, the 1660 was already "all Turing", so my question was redundant. I meant to ask about the 1650 Super. If that GPU remains unchanged, it still is a cut Turing GPU with Volta NVENC.
  • timecop1818 - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    Actually 1660 (not super) already has the Turing NVDEC/NVENC, because it's the first card which can handle 8K60P decode with ~70% NVDEC utilization. On 1080/1080Ti (Pascal) this runs at around 40fps and 100% utilization.

    Reference: https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-decode-g...
  • timecop1818 - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    I'm surprised nobody said "Fuck DVI" yet.
    At least about 1/3 of the AIB makers finally dumped that retardo connector.
    I bought a gigabyte? or something GTX1660 and it was finally a proper card with 3x DP and 1x HDMI.
  • Korguz - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    considering monitors are STILL made with vga... thats what they should stop making before they drop dvi...
  • Gastec - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    And monitors could still be made with VGA connectors for 50 more years to come and the U.S. Military just dumped the floppy disk from their nuclear missiles controls.
    From my of experience, both a work and in private life, this lack of knowledge and desire to upgrade is not an exception but the rule. I have a friend that just turned 30, he knows every social networking trick and settings for his smartphone but connects his laptop to a small monitor via the bundled VGA cable that came in the box. He didn't even know the monitor had a DVI port, or what that even is.
  • MaikelSZ - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    My monitors has VGA, DVI and HDMI. To this day, all the HDMI connections that I have used on PCs and TVs have given me problems of some kind.
    An interesting problem that I have seen 3 diferent times in 3 diferente places was that in one position the cable gives image problems (small distortions) or in others even the TV loses the image for a couple of seconds every so often. If the cable was reversed, the problem disappeared.

    My graphics card has 3 DP and 1 HDMI and I use a DP-DVI converter for my monitor, I don't use the HDMI. I only use HDMI when I connect 2 monitors, one HDMI and the other using DVI
  • grazapin - Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - link

    That sounds like a bad HDMI cable. More specifically, one end of the cable is bad and has intermittent connection problems. When you plug the bad end into the laptop it will flake out because the cable is more likely to be bumped or jiggled and the cable is likely bending to the side and pulling on the connector. When you plug the bad end into the monitor the cable is more likely to be straight so it's not putting stress on the connection and it's not get jostled after you plugged it in, and the good end is out where the jostling occurs. Replace that HDMI cable and I bet your problems go away.
  • Nirman04 - Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - link

    It will be interesting to see the effect this has on the market. If a 1660 Super is only $10 more than the "vanilla" 1660 and yet performs closer to the Ti card which is $60 more than the 1660, I can't see anyone buying the1660 now, never mind the Ti. Clearly a lot will come down to the pricing from a individual manufacturers who could now cut the price of the 1660 and 1650, but it looks like there is now competition even between Nvidia cards, let alone competition with AMD.
  • Larry Litmanen - Friday, November 1, 2019 - link

    To me it is wait and see, what if Stadia works.

    Why spend money on something that will not run any games in 2 years.

    My gtx 960 can run games only on lowest settings on a Dell U3415w, it basically stopped running new games around 2017.

    The card works it's just it's not powerful enough, frankly I have no desire to spend $220 on something that is useless in 2 years.
  • dromoxen - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    Too fast development of new gfx cards renders the older cards redundant too soon. I have gtx960 with 4gb for futureproof *sigh* . This HAS to stop.

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