NVIDIA Plots Mobile SoC GPU Performance, Surpassing Xbox 360 by 2014
by Anand Lal Shimpi on April 19, 2012 7:50 PM ESTQualcomm was the first to tell us that it expects to offer console level GPU performance in the not too distant future, generally hinting that its Adreno 3xx GPUs would get us there. NVIDIA shared this slide (pictured above) with us today that gives its take on where PC, console and mobile GPU performance will land over the coming years. There's nothing too revolutionary here but it does provide an interesting visual for much of what the GPU vendors have been talking about for the past couple of years.
The solid lines are estimated performance, while the dotted lines are trends. According to NVIDIA, somewhere in the 2013 - 2014 timeframe is when we'll get Xbox 360-class GPU performance out of mobile SoCs. The console line only has two points (Xbox 1 and Xbox 360), while the mobile line starts with the original iPhone, moves up to Tegra 2 and then follows Tegra 3.
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fteoath64 - Monday, April 23, 2012 - link
The design here is to ensure the gpu is designed to match the screen resolution and do 30fps. Nothing more, or else it is wasting battery. So here is where one will need to drastically trickle-boost gpu cores on-demand and ensure a matched cpu core to feed it. It is not a problem that has not been solved before but the granularity might not be as fine as needed until now. We can see that general gpu performance for tablets has been rather good, so it is not a bad start while the manufacturers need to maintain a 10 hour battery life. The Tegra3 does it rather well and I am sure there is very aggressive power-management in the 4 operating cpu cores.So it seems, with a market with 4 or more supplier of chips, each player designed their SoCs with more care than Intel ever did because they are a monopoly in their space. Only issue we seem to have is the lack of foundary capacity to churn up the new chips ....