The Logitech G100s: For Real-Time Strategy

The simplest model in the series has a pretty familiar look to it; if you bought into the first wave of optical mice from Logitech, you'll find the G100s has essentially the same shape. That's not exactly a bad thing, since that was a very functional mouse design and was popular in my circles. So why go back to this type of design?

As Logitech tells it, those old style mice wound up being exceedingly popular outside of the United States, specifically in South Korea, where competitive StarCraft is a serious sport. The original G100 served that market as an inexpensive but very efficient mouse for RTS play. Offered in the traditional shape with virtually the exact same surface treatment, it can seem kind of chintzy compared to its larger siblings, but looks can be deceiving.

The G100s has four buttons: left click, right click, middle click (under the scrollwheel), and a DPI switch that can be configured to be just about anything in the Logitech G Software. Unlike the other two mice in for review, the G100s has no onboard memory for storing configurations, but like the other two, it features an updated sensor and higher quality switches in the buttons. The G100s utilizes a specific optical sensor (as opposed to the lasers used in the G500s and G700s) that's supposedly extremely precise; I couldn't get any more details about it except that the product developer I spoke to was absolutely psyched about it and looking forward to deploying it in more products.

The idea behind the G100s design is that RTS players don't need a lot of extra buttons but do need to make a lot of quick, very precise motions. They tend to drive the mouse more with their fingertips than with a full grip, so a lighter mouse would be preferable for that style of play.

I opted to test their theory by playing rounds of StarCraft II and Civilization V (yes, I know Civilization V isn't actually an RTS, but it does share some of the motions), and I found that it was basically dead on. The mouse was underwhelming for playing anything super slow paced (the undemanding Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 actually wasn't very enjoyable with this mouse, surprisingly), but I noticed that my mousing style changed and adapted to the two strategy games. I'm not entirely sure how useful the DPI switch is, but having a fourth mouse button available and basically out of the way didn't negatively affect my use of the mouse.

It's also tough to adequately articulate, but the G100s really did seem ideal for strategy gaming, more so than the other two mice, and the sensor had an incredibly fluid and smooth feel to it. Like the others, the G100s is a very responsive mouse, but the entire subjective feel in hand gradually made a believer out of me.

Introducing the Logitech G100s, G500s, and G700s Gaming Mice The Logitech G500s: For Action Games
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  • spunlex - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    If you're comfortable with replacing the switches yourself it can still be a good deal. I got two replacement switches for my G500 for about $5 and the repair process wasn't to painful.
  • HisDivineOrder - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    So wait. The buttons sticking is not an uncommon problem for the G500 and... they admit it? Isn't that enough for people to go, "Hey, if you know this is so common, you best replace it FOREVER."?

    If the company continues to manufacture something they know is likely to fail in a time past their warranty period (but within a reasonable amount of time), it seems like there's an obligation to... fix the problem before you choose to do a refresh of the line.

    Also, that seems like a pretty crappy company. Just sayin'.

    I wonder what problems these new products have that they know about that they'll acknowledge after a refresh... in the future? Do you take the chance?

    If so, Logitech is apparently for you. Science! ENUFF SAID.
  • piiman - Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - link

    You are obviously a troll for one of their competitors. Which one is it?
    And no if it last past the warranty they are not obligated to replace them forever if at all.
    So tell us all what amazing a wonderful mouse you use?
  • JDG1980 - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    The Logitech MX Performance mouse has a lot of good reviews, but I've also seen a lot of complaints that the microswitches wear out early. This review says that Logitech will be updating their gaming mice with better-quality switches; will that also be done with the MX?
  • UltraTech79 - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    I hope these actually do play better than they look. Really ugly design, but I will take function over form. But why not both?
  • scaramoosh - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    I have a G5 2007, been fine for me.

    I bought a Razer Mamba in like 2010 but I hate it, just sitting in the attic lol. I even made new feet on the G5 that worn down rather than using that shit.
  • scaramoosh - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    Worn down after 6 years of use everyday for hours though...
  • searanox - Sunday, March 31, 2013 - link

    Jesus. These mice are some of the ugliest I have ever seen. I like Logitech products but I think I'd feel embarrassed with one of these on my desk. This is supposed to be what gamers want? Is Logitech's target market 8 year old boys?
  • Etern205 - Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - link

    These are the new ones, the originals are in all black.
  • MadAd - Sunday, March 31, 2013 - link

    Ive owned many Logitech products through 12 years of gaming. I currently have a G700, a G500, an MX518 (now G400), an Extreme 3d Pro Joystick (actually, several, I keep wearing them out), several desksets for both myself and use their cheap wireless kits for additional pcs.

    The good: The MX518. Most awesome mouse for gaming, well balanced, light, doesnt drop out of my palm on lifts. Feels good. For basic gaming there was no other, sadly the lack of more buttons and no constant or side scroll means its not fantastic as a desktop mouse and when it became aged I moved on. The G400 is a shadow of its former self, but feels the same and for me comfort is 90% of a mouse, sadly my fps gaming style uses way more buttons now but if I was still into Quake style DMs id probably be using one.

    The bad:


    I wont rehash a long speech about why I think this is the most badly designed gaming mouse ive every come across, in short its badly weighted, the shape simply does not allow for comfort keeping it under control in my palm and simple pick and drop operations see it wrestle itself into the heel of my hand. The entire thumb control area is a curvy mess meaning very little angular control no matter how much grip you apply because its (unsuccessfully) all going into keeping it flat.

    I wrote a much longer explanation here on the Logitech forums for any who care to research.

    The annoying:

    The G500. The biggest drawback to me is it feels plasticky. Its right here, I push it at friends if I need a second mouse on screen but mostly it stays plugged in unused. Even loaded with more weight than a ship of scrap metal to the orient it still feels like a cheap toy. While the main 2 buttons are flawless, the additional buttons arent positive and feel cheap, plus the curve of the heel started to not fit my hand as good as the 518 at this point of the development.

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