Intel this week has announced its new portfolio of FPGAs designed for small form-factor and/or low-power Internet-of-Things devices, specifically in the fields of automotive, industrial, audio/visual and vision applications. The Cyclone 10 GX and Cyclone 10 LP FPGAs formally belong to a single family of products, but both have different capabilities and were developed for different needs.

The Intel Cyclone 10 GX FPGAs are designed for applications that need relatively high performance (up to 134 GFLOPS, IEEE 754 single-precision) and advanced I/O capabilities. The new FPGAs contain up to 220,000 logic elements, up to 80,330 adaptive logic modules (ALMs) with 8-input look-up tables (LUT), support 10 G transceivers as well as a PCIe 2.0 x4 IP block to connect to CPUs and other devices. Among devices that will use the Cyclone 10 GX FPGAs Intel names industrial machine vision, smart city surveillance, video streaming, robotics, machine tools and other devices. The 10 GX family is made on TSMC's 20nmSoC planar process, in line with what we perhaps expect as Intel is working through Altera roadmaps set before the acquisition.

By contrast, the Intel Cyclone 10 LP FPGAs are aimed at low-power/low-cost applications, such as sensor fusion, motor controls, interfacing, I/O expansion for CPUs and so on. For example, if an application needs to combine data from multiple sensors, the Cyclone 10 LP will do the job, but the actual processing will be performed by something more powerful. The FPGAs contain 6,000 – 120,000 logic elements, DSP blocks (up to 288 18x18 multipliers), integrated PLLs, 65 – 230 LVDS channels and so on.  

Both families of the Cyclone 10 FPGAs are compliant with the IEC 61508 machinery directive safety standard (in fact, Intel says that it is the first FPGA vendor to obtain the appropriate device and tool qualification), which in case of a chip probably indicates its reliability during continuous operation. 

Intel Cyclone 10 FPGAs
  Cyclone 10 GX Cyclone 10 LP
Logic elements (LEs) 85,000 - 220,000 6,000 - 120,000
Adaptive logic modules (ALMs) 31,000 - 80,330 -
ALM registers 124,000 - 321,320 -
Variable-precision DSP blocks 84 - 192 -
18 x 19 multipliers 168 - 384 -
18 x 18 multipliers - 15 - 288
Peak fixed-point peformance (GMACS) 151 - 346 -
Peak floating-point performance (GFLOPS) 59 - 134 -
Voltage Core voltage: 0.9 V
I/O Voltage: Various
1.0 and 1.2 V
Process Technology 20 nm (TSMC CLN20SOC) unknown
Global clock networks 32 10 - 20
Maximum user I/O pins 192 - 284 176 - 525
Maximum LVDS pairs 1.4 Gbps (RX or TX) 72 - 118  
Maximum LVDS channels - 65 - 230
Maximum transceiver count (10.3 Gbps) 4 - 12 -
Maximum 3V I/O pins 48 -
PCIe 2.0 x4 hard IP blocks 1 -
Memory devices supported DDR3, DDR3L, LPDDR3 -
E144 pin - 22 x 22 mm, 0.5 mm pitch
M164 pin - 8 x 8 mm, 0.5 mm pitch
U256 pin - 14 x 14 mm, 0.8 mm pitch
U484 pin 19 x 19 mm, 0.8 mm pitch
F484 pin - 23 x 23 mm, 1.0 mm pitch
F672 pin 27 x 27 mm, 1.0 mm pitch
F780 pin 29 x 29 mm, 1.0 mm pitch

Intel’s Cyclone 10-series FPGAs, as well as evaluation kits and boards on their base, will be available in the second half of 2017. In addition to hardware, Intel also plans to release its Quartus programming software that supports the new FPGAs.

Related Reading:

Source: Intel

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  • rocky12345 - Saturday, February 18, 2017 - link

    IoT needs to go and have a slow painful death. Do we really need more things in our lives that either talk to us and connect to the internet so we can interact with our crap in our home or work place. Og the fridge is 1 degree warmer better fix that. Oh the furnace kicked in 37 times better turn the thermostat down 2 degrees and do my part to the planet. People we are inventing all of this crap because we have all become tech addicts myself included. We all need to find other hobbies before we are just mindless drones....wait what it might be to late for most of us.
  • rocky12345 - Saturday, February 18, 2017 - link

    Og the fridge =Oh the fridge
  • sorten - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - link


  • cekim - Saturday, February 18, 2017 - link

    Things should be connected because it serves a purpose, I'm with you there. The trouble is that in these early stages, we are witnessing the natural selection of what actually works (and should be connected) by eliminating that which does not (and should not).

    Of more concern is the security implications of all this connectivity. People don't seem to understand that if its connected, it can be hacked. If its in the cloud, it likely already is.

    Then again, it took 70 years before seat-belts were common in cars. Even more for airbags, ABS, crumple zones, etc... 2-steps forward, 1-step back is the norm for humanity when things are going well. Embrace it, or shake your fists at the sky.
  • fanofanand - Monday, February 20, 2017 - link

    I will enjoy connected devices a lot more once I have a connected robot that uses those connected devices so I don't have to. I like the idea of my robo-assistant knowing what I want for dinner tomorrow, and making sure that the fridge and cupboards have all the necessary ingredients. Then I want it to assemble the items from their storage units and do all the prep work. Then I want my smart oven to know what's in the dish, and cook it properly. Robo-Assistant can plate my food for however many guests I tell it to, and then take care of the cleanup afterwards.

    Who in their right mind wouldn't want all that? I mean that's exactly what wealthy people already have, except it's a human instead of a robot.
  • BrokenCrayons - Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - link

    I personally prefer a human rather than a robot doing that sort of thing for me (well cleaning and yard work anyway, I don't need or want a chef) because I can hold someone accountable for doing sloppy work or mucking something up. Yes, there's the risk of theft and incompetence, but those things are the spice of life and no robot will have that special, shocked facial expression when you tell him that he's been sacked for carelessly running over the zinnias with his riding mower when in reality you just didn't like the fact that he's a butterball of a person.
  • Ktracho - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - link

    Speaking of utopias, how about a future in which human population is declining, thus reducing the impact on our planet, and the slack is made up by an increasing number of robots, particularly with respect to the needs of the elderly?
  • BrokenCrayons - Thursday, February 23, 2017 - link

    What utopia are you talking about? If this were an idealized world, the people I hire to care for my property would meet my superficial idealizations AND do a good job at what I'm paying them to do. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find someone that meets both of those criteria?
  • Strunf - Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - link

    The security will be a huge concern in the future, a house with a single door is pretty easy to keep secure, just make it a high security door and your house will be hard to break in, add dozens of doors, windows and what not and the security of your house will as good as the least secure opening.

    Another issue is "the Cloud", companies will lock you in and make you pay for services, what was once for free will become a paying service, no way around it. Companies seem to not care for independent solutions anymore.

    I'm rooting for open source hardware/software but chances are they will get nowhere, people prefer to pay for shiny things instead of getting something for free that does the same but looks basic...
  • Yojimbo - Saturday, February 18, 2017 - link

    IoT isn't going anywhere. It's just that it's been talked about for so long there's the equivalent of "prospect fatigue". These devices will collect data and be run by artificial intelligence. People aren't going to be micromanaging their devices.

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